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Möt vår nya funktion - Hot or Not!
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59 år
Gävleborg, Sverige
Senaste besöket: 7 år sedan
Om mig själv
Hello. I am Danish, so I write in English. I understand Swedish better than Swedes understand Danish. That’s life. Needing company! I live in Edsbyn right now. I am looking for a good time with a nice lady. It is not sex I want but naughty and kinky play. Don’t misunderstand me, I love sex, but that I can get all the time. It is the arousal of roleplay and maybe some soft bondage I am seeking. I like to meet in real life, firstly in a restaurant or similar, since we’ll see. Are you curious? Maybe just want to check out what I have to offer. Meet me here or via Google Hangout see my MSN or send me an email.
  • Medlem sedan 21.04.17
  • Profilbesök 224
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