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Möt vår nya funktion - Hot or Not!
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MrSecrets 42 år
Värmland, Sverige
Senaste besöket: 1 år sedan

Experiment att skriva Femdom (engelsk)

?Would you do thatfor me?? be barely heard the words as they flew by his ears as hiseyes was locked with hers, he was so focused on their beauty hehardly drew enough breath and his lungs stinging due to the lack ofair. ?yes? he almost whispered and he didn't care how pathetic hemust have sounded and there it was, her smile. The symbol of hersatisfaction made his heart pound even harder and the lungs screamlouder for just a bit more air. He new that he would never have herhe might be a fool but not an idiot even so the slightest hint ofwhat could be a vague promising word or a playful flash of her breastwould instantly send his emotions back to the first day he saw herand how he knew she would be his undoing and how he longed for it.

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