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Joulun videokilpailu 2024 🎥😍🎄
Runsaat palkinnot voittajille 🏆🤑 Kuka tahansa voi osallistua! Lisää


29 vuotta
Stockholm County, Ruotsi
Viimeinen vierailu: 1 vuosi sitten

we are a couple from asian subcontinent. She is 23 and 160cm and, he is 26 and 188 cm, we both are in good shape.

We met 3 years ago and been together since. We could say we are a wild couple with some experience with DS and outside DS.

Out idle date would be to get dressed, cook something together have a cozy dinner and then get wild with the fantasies that we think of. We would also like to involve a person or welcome to meet in a cafe or a pub. It is important to know that we play only together. It would be nice to meet someone who is wild friendly and submissive. We got many ideas to try and we promise, each are really exciting 😊😊😊. We can talk more about ourselves if we text. We can also share more photos if you request 😊😊


We are mainly looking for a girl or a couple! I will not respond if you are only a guy!

Im still learning swedish so, you have to spare me.



We have a hidden gallery for interested people.

Rakkaus seksiä
  • Jäsen alkaen 27.04.22
  • Profiilikäynnit 1346
  • Julkisia/yksityisiä kuvia 1/13
  • Julkiset/yksityiset videot 0/0