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Möt vår nya funktion - Hot or Not!
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I have had quite a few people message me but it’s almost impossible to find someone intelligent,
gentlemanly and genuinely in search of a steady girlfriend who they desire and respect.
Very few understand what a Transsexual actually is!!!
They think it’s the same thing as a Transvestite
/Crossdresser! …It isn’t!

A VERY simple and basic explanation is …….
A MTF Transsexual is a person that has always felt, believed, and known that they were female ( often since early childhood ).
When they look around….they look out of a females eyes.
They are often naturally feminine and emotional. They will have gone through a number of years of evaluation by a Transgender Clinic and if diagnosed as Transsexual they will be prescribed hormones by a specialist doctor.
You address her as “She” and “Her” otherwise it is deeply insulting to the person.

For some Transsexual people taking hormones is enough to help them feel more balanced and
In tune with themselves with the hormones supplying what their body craved.
In the case of a MTF ( male to female ) Transsexual they will officially change their name and often grow their hair and nails long naturally if able to do so.

Transsexual people have to go through a long ( often a few years ) complicated process of evaluations, tests and counseling by psychologists and psychiatrists together with a number of other specialist doctors at the transgender clinic, and will also have to deal with a lot of government protocols in order to change passport, driving license, ID, personal number, bank cards, house loans etc.
They will have to deal with many other authorities to change their gender, name, personal number etc on any potential bills or future paperwork.
Insurances and bank accounts all have to be changed too.
Transsexuals will of course have to ”come out” to family, friends and their workplace, which can be a heartbreaking experience for many after being ridiculed or rejected by them. This can often result in suicide ( Transsexuals have a very high suicide rate ).

At this stage they are called Pre Op Transsexuals ( which means that no operations have been performed on them to change their genitalia).

At no point in any of the above have we mentioned sex or sexual fetishes etc…and that is because for a Transsexual person it has nothing to do with sex or fetishes. Transsexual people are simply trying to correct their bodies to be more aligned to the wiring of their brains.

So….. you will see why if on your first contact with a Transsexual person you say things like “Hi will you suck my cock and then can I fuck you while you dress like a woman? “. “Send me some photos “ ….If your messages are like this then you will be seen as incredibly uneducated, insensitive, very much an airhead and seriously impolite!
Why would I send you any photos? I don’t even know you! There are already photos on my profile.

First of all …. They won’t “Dress as a woman” for you…… They are women!
Their brains are pre wired as female before birth!
Yes they may be looking for a relationship with someone and sex will be involved, and they may have some fetish or kink as many other people do!….. but as with any regular girlfriend you meet for the first time you don’t come out with vulgarities and sex talk before getting to know them.

Most Transsexuals just wish to “fit in” to society and not be noticed.
They want to be talked to politely, respected and “wined and dined” as with any other biological woman.

As I write this I just saw a new person had left a message in my inbox. I won’t say the persons username but their first message to me ( which they obviously thought was perfectly ok to write is…. “Kan knulla dig I min lastbil” …That was all he wrote!

So you see what I mean about uneducated or unintelligent people with no respect towards who a person is or how a person feels, or what they have gone through to get where they are in their lives.

Yes I too have sexual fantasies and interests, and I’m willing to discuss them with the right person … but surely I can expect a little politeness and good manners first!

Another thing that makes me laugh is when people send a first message to me and say... “can we meet now, or tonight” !?
What ? You think I’d meet a total stranger that I know absolutely nothing about?
You are obviously desperate and don’t care anything about me as a person, or the dangers of meeting people that way….You just want a hole to fill! ….. So no I won’t give you my KiK…. and I probably won’t reply at all.

If you had spent a little time reading and understanding my profile you would get a good idea of what I’m looking for, what I’m interested in, and therefore how to approach me.
Maybe I’m expecting too much from a place like this which obviously has many people that can only think with their cocks!

Just for general information….
The word Transgender, is a kind of “umbrella term” for everything Trans related (which can include Transvestites/Crossdressing among other things.)

A Transvestite/ Crossdresser is someone with a sexual fetish or “hobby”.
A Transvestite is person that enjoys dressing in female clothes, shoes, make up, wigs etc for enjoyment and a sexual thrill. ( nothing wrong with that ).👍🏻
Some Transvestites say they do this as a form of de-stressing and relaxation, but 99% of the time sexual arousement and fulfillment is the end goal while dressed this way.

Transvestites / Crossdressers don’t (and have never) believed that they are female.
When closely examined their brains don’t show the same changes or activity in certain areas of the brain as seen in a female brain, however a Transsexual’s brain does show activity in these areas.

Well…. I feel better for writing this, even if no one reads it.
I hope they do though, as many on BC really need to understand the differences and how you communicate with people.
What works for a Transvestite certainly won’t have the same effect on a Transsexual person and may even be deeply insulting.
My profile clearly mentions that I’m Transsexual so there should be no confusion. :)

* I am NOT interested in people that are overweight or that look foreign, have lots of body hair or have beards so don’t even bother writing to me.
