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Jessie99 41 y.o.
Dalarna, Sweden
Last visit: 9 hours ago

Nice (2/2)

Fortsättning från del 1.

Jack carried an exhausted Angela in his arms across the yard. Their walk was accompanied by Gabriel's groans that only grew louder the closer to the shed they came. The beast had clearly picked up on their presence.

As soon as the door opened, Gabriel turned his head and locked onto Jack. Jack smirked lightly as he carried Angela over to a corner and gently put her down, wrapping her in the blanket. Gabriel's eyes followed him as he walked over to the bed, picking up another blanket and then wrapping that around Angela as well, making sure that she was warm and at a safe distance from where Gabriel was sitting.

Jack stroked Angela's cheek, the doctor barely managing to keep her eyes open.

"Watch," he said in a deep voice before turning around.

Angela wrapped the blankets tightly around herself, backing up against the wall.

Jack cracked his neck, standing tall with his back turned to her as he slowly walked up to Gabriel. Gabriel reached out his arms, eyes focused on Jack's wrist.

Jack went down on one knee, slapping Gabriel's hands away. He untied the red rope around Gabriel's ankle and threw it to the side.

"You want it?" Jack said with a devious smirk. "Come and get it."

Gabriel looked at Jack's wrist and then up at the former Commander's eyes. He hesitated for a few seconds before letting out a roar and throwing himself at Jack.

Jack chuckled as he stood up and quickly backed away. The two men were now standing in front of each other, slowly walking around in a circle like two wrestlers ready to attack.

Angela's heart was beating fast in her chest and she curled up closer to the wall.

Jack's smirk never left his face, whereas Gabriel's appearance was that of a predator, locked on his prey. Angela was scared, but Jack showed no fear. With great confidence he opened and closed his fists a few times.

"What's the matter, Reyes?" he mocked. "I thought you were hungry?"

Gabriel roared and Angela let out a whimper as Gabriel charged at Jack, colliding with him head on and pushing him to the ground. Jack grunted from the impact but wrapped his arms around Gabriel, causing the two to tumble around across the floor.

Gabriel's arms punched against Jack's sides, with Jack grunting as he held onto his attacker.

"C-come on, Reyes...," he panted. "You can do better than that."

As another hard punch landed in his side, he coughed a few times before moving his leg, using it to lock one of Gabriel's and then pushing him off of him.

Gabriel landed on his side and let out a roar of frustration. He grabbed a small wooden crate and threw it to the side, shattering it against the wall. Angela gasped as she tried to make herself as small as possible. Jack glanced over at her, making sure that she was unharmed. He was still smiling as he wiped his mouth before getting up on his feet.

Gabriel squinted at him, but did not have time to get up before Jack ran towards him and jumped on top of him, Gabriel's hands above his head, holding him by the wrists.

"D-don't hurt him... please do not hurt him," Angela whimpered.

Gabriel stared at Jack who glared back at him. The two men's chests moving while they took a moment to catch their breaths.

Angela wanted to interfere, the tension was eating her up not knowing what was about to happen. It was as if Jack had completely unleashed a side that scared her, a side of pure insanity. Yet, strangely, he seemed to be in full control at the same time. Letting Gabriel loose like this, taunting him when he knew how much he needed his feedings to function. The desperation could get the better of Gabriel at any time and if he changed, Jack would not stand a chance against him.

Gabriel hissed at Jack who chuckled in return.

Then the attack came. Gabriel screeched and threw Jack off himself. Angela gasped as Gabriel stomped Jack across the back with his heavy combat boot.

The force knocked the wind out of Jack who started coughing as he tried to push himself up on all fours. Gabriel grabbed him by the hair and punched him hard in the face, causing him to fall back to the ground.

"Stop it! For the love of God, Gabriel, stop it!" Angela pleaded.

Jack held up a shaky hand to calm her down while still coughing. He spat on the ground and then pushed himself up on unsteady legs. To Angela's surprise, Gabriel allowed him get back up.

Gabriel charged at Jack and the two fell backwards towards the door and then through it, landing outside in the yard.

Punches rained between the two men, with grunts and groans as result. Angela looked around for a way out, but Jack and Gabriel were just outside the door, so her only way of escaping was blocked. She covered her ears not to hear what they did to each other. The door to the shed slammed shut. Angela was breathing intensely as she stared at it. She had to do something, she had to help.

She cried out as a body was slammed against the wall on the other side.

The commotion went on as Angela looked around for something that could aid her. If only she could get the syringe. She had to try... she had to make a run for it.

Just as she was about to get out of her cocoon of blankets, the door to the shed opened.

She gasped as Gabriel walked inside dragging Jack behind him. Gabriel held him by the leg and moved Jack's body with ease as if he was a ragdoll. Angela put her hands over her mouth to silence her sounds of horror.

Light groans came from Jack. Angela comforted herself that he was at least still alive.

She had to help!

"Gabriel! Gabriel listen to me! It is Angela... do not hurt him! Gabriel!"

A shaky hand once more came up from Jack on the floor.

"It... it's okay...," he stammered.

"No! It is not okay! Jack!"

"Shh... shh... just let it happen..."

Jack laid still as Gabriel began ripping his clothes off. Jack's jacket came off and was thrown to the side, followed by his t-shirt that was shredded by Gabriel's claws. Boots, then pants and soon Jack was lying naked on the floor, having been tossed around without mercy by Gabriel.

Angela grabbed her hair.

Then Gabriel's gloves came off, along with his coat, pants and boots and soon he too was naked inside the shed.

Angela did not know what to make of the situation. Everything felt like chaos and she was completely at a loss of what to do.

Gabriel sat down and pulled Jack up in front of him.

Jack's eyes were closed as Gabriel took a grip around his throat.

Jack was slowly swaying back and forth and grimaced as Gabriel bit into Jack's shoulder.

"No.... no!" Angela whimpered. "Careful!"

Jack briefly opened his eyes and glanced over at her. He gave her a light smile.

"Gabe... you are scaring her," he said in a tired voice.

For the first time, Gabriel acknowledged Angela's presence. He looked over at her with predatory eyes. Angela gasped.

A devilish smile formed on Gabriel's face. Jack closed his eyes again as Gabriel's fingers wandered up and down his throat.

Suddenly Gabriel started to sing... slowly in a deep and eerie voice. Angela's eyes widened.

"Kiss me on the mouth and set me free..."

Jack started smiling as he slowly moved along to Gabriel's words.

"Sing me like a choir."

Angela got a stunned expression on her face. Gabriel's words were scary, yet strangely calming.

"I can be the subject of your dreams..."

"I love this song...," Jack whispered.

"Your sickening desire..."

Jack smirked.

"Don't you wanna see a man up close...?"

Jack let out a soft moan as Gabriel's free hand reached around him, taking a gentle grip of his cock.

"A phoenix in the fire."

Angela slowly shook her head as she watched them. Jack was so relaxed. It was... disturbing, yet serene, and the tone of Gabriel's voice... the melody... even she felt calmer as Gabriel sang.

"So, kiss me on the mouth and set me free."

Gabriel locked eyes with Angela.

"But please... don't. Bite."

As soon as he sang the last word, he turned his attention back to Jack and sank his teeth into the former Commander's neck with Angela gasping.

Jack moaned loudly as his skin broke. started seeping down his shoulder and chest as Gabriel closed his eyes, taking what he desired.

Jack tilted his head back, breathing long deep breaths. He then placed his hand on top of Gabriel's, helping him work his erection up and down.

Angela squinted. Their joint effort in satisfying both of their needs... it was something weirdly beautiful about it.

Yet he allowed his tormentor to drain him of his and at the same time touch him, not fighting back. Angela's heart was still beating fast, but now for a different reason. She was captivated by what she was looking at.

If it was her, sitting there instead of Jack, she would have been terrified. She would have cried... feared for her life, but Jack did not. Gabriel was unleashed, the red rope still lying on the floor too far away for Jack to reach it. A single bite could rip the artery in his throat and he would be dead. He must know that.

Jack chose to feed Gabriel via his wrist for a reason. Even if he would get bitten badly, he could stop it fast, but having the beast at his neck, untied, there was not much he could do, nor could Angela. Yet he sat there, completely still, softly moaning to Gabriel's touch with himself putting pressure on it, controlling the pacing.

Eventually Jack's already pale skin became even whiter and his head fell forward. Angela could tell that he was on the verge of passing out and she pleaded in her head for him to stop Gabriel. The line had been crossed of how much Jack could give Gabriel.

Jack's mouth fell open, the moans now barely audible. His breaths were still deep, but the grip on Gabriel's hand loosened until his hand fell down beside him. Gabriel kept feeding until he was satisfied, still holding on to Jack's manhood.

"Gabriel... please...," Angela pleaded as Jack slumped over completely, only being held up by Gabriel's grip around him. "Enough... please..."

Gabriel let go of Jack's skin and glanced over at her. His mouth was colored red by the he had ingested. The same color tainted Jack's skin from his shoulder down his chest. Angela felt nauseous from the sight.

Gabriel backed away and Jack fell motionless to the floor. To Angela's relief, he was still breathing. She was just about to leap forward to his assistance when Gabriel returned and she quickly stopped herself.

He was holding a cloth that he used to carefully clean Jack's body, putting pressure on the wound he had inflicted on him until it stopped.

Angela found herself smiling as she watched the care Gabriel put into tending to Jack. Just a little while ago he had beaten the living hell out of him and now he gently stroked Jack's white hair while wiping the last traces of away from his skin.

Gabriel then put his arms under Jack's armpits and lifted him up, holding him standing up in front of himself. He rested Jack's head against his shoulder and slowly started rocking him back and forth.

"You can coax the cold right out of me, drape me in your warmth... The rapture in the dark puts me at ease. The blind eye of the storm. Let's go for a walk down Easy Street, where you can be reborn."

Angela curled up in the blankets, almost falling asleep to Gabriel's soft singing. She had been on an emotional and physical rollercoaster for hours now and her body was starting to force her to rest. Gabriel's deep and dark voice was so soothing. So safe.

"So kiss me on the mouth and set me free."

Jack slowly opened his eyes, now bearing his own weight as he put his feet down on the ground. He lifted his head and looked Gabriel deep into his eyes. Gabriel smiled at him and Jack smiled back.

"But please... don't bite," Jack whispered.

The two embraced in a passionate kiss with Angela barely able to keep her eyes open. She was smiling... it was astonishing to watch the two interact. There was so much love between them... so why did they do this to each other?

Jack leaned his head against Gabriel's shoulders and the two slowly danced with each other and despite there being no music, Angela swore she could hear it. Two naked, beaten and scarred old men, big and muscled with Gabriel's dark skin contrasting Jack's paleness. Like yin and yang together, forming a perfect entity... harmony.

After a little while, Jack dropped to his knees, taking Gabriel in his mouth. Gabriel placed a hand on Jack's head, softly moaning as the warm lips and tongue embraced him. Jack's motions were slow. Despite the fact that he must be completely drained, he gently licked and sucked on Gabriel's member, letting him slowly grow in his mouth.

Gabriel's eyes closed and Angela could see his muscles tense. She couldn't help but wonder how it felt for him, knowing what had been done to him. Did it feel the same as before? She had tried to ask him, to check on his wound, but as far as she could tell, he had healed. With his back now turned to her, she tried to take a look, but it was difficult to see.

Jack's white hands ended up on Gabriel's behind, gently grasping the cheeks. Gabriel's toned muscles tensed even more. All that left him was sounds of pleasure as he slowly moved along with Jack's motions.

Angela had never seen two men together like this. She found it surprising that she did not feel weird about it. They were both so big, so dominating, but the sight was still as soft and it felt just as normal as between a man and a woman. Everything was just bigger... stronger, an intensity that was difficult to explain. Two men, larger than life, together in the most intimate way.

Suddenly Gabriel took a step back. He helped Jack to his feet and the two met in a kiss, slowly walking backwards until they ended up falling on top of the bed. Gabriel first, with Jack on top of him.

Gabriel's body started shifting, but not violently, just slowly twitching, skin changing, some scarring appearing and then back to normal again.

Angela noticed a patch on Gabriel's forearm. She had not placed it there so it must have been Jack after an earlier encounter. Again, the strange tenderness after the violence.

Both of them began grunting and moaning, grinding their naked bodies against each other. She could see their feet, but found herself wanting a better view.

Carefully she stood up and still wrapped in the blankets she slowly walked closer to the two men who were completely immersed in each other.

Kissing, hugging, touching and grinding and eventually they both started twitching.

Jack intertwined his fingers with Gabriel's and they kissed as they both came. The moans became louder, but none of them broke the kiss and it continued until the last burst of their orgasm had subsided.

Gabriel nuzzled his face closely against Jack's shoulder as he hugged him tightly. Jack responded by kissing his dark hair while still holding his hand.

Eventually he rolled to the side with Gabriel curling up close to him. He reached for his shredded t-shirt and wiped off both himself and Gabriel.

He looked up at Angela who was standing stunned beside the bed.

He smiled and motioned for her to come join them.

She hesitated for just a brief moment before getting in and cuddling up on the other side of Jack. He let her rest on his arm and covered all three of them in the blankets.

Gabriel was already sound asleep and Jack soon followed him.

Angela laid awake for a little while, resting her head against Jack's warm and strong shoulder. She reach out a hand and gently stroked Gabriel's hair. Then she too drifted off.

She woke up the next morning in the master bedroom lying in her bed. She had no idea how she had gotten there and looked around herself in confusion. Jack was not there.

She groaned as the soreness reminded itself and she gently rubbed herself. Last night had been a surreal experience and she didn't know what to make of it. Her thoughts were interrupted by a lovely smell and she pushed herself up. She put on a robe and made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

She found newly baked bread under a kitchen towel. A kettle had been prepared with her favorite tea flavor next to it. She smiled as she looked outside. The sun was up and everything was calm.

She enjoyed her breakfast and then took a shower. With the warm water heating up her body, the memories from last night ran through her mind. She felt as if she had gotten answers to some of her questions, but just as many new ones had arisen. The dynamic between Jack and Gabriel... she just couldn't wrap her mind around it.

She had been so scared watching the two, but at the same time felt calm, like she trusted them. The battle of the mind... like Jack had said. And what he had done to her... it was the scariest thing she had ever experienced, but at the same time... that orgasm... unreal.

Jack's strong body dominating her along with his words... the tone of his voice sending shivers through her. And he was right, she could have stopped it. Somehow she had wanted to see what he would do next. His voice, the determination and assertion... she had completely surrendered to it. There was truly something special with the hardened former Commander Morrison. It was as if he could read her like a book... and yet, not.

On some level she felt ashamed of what she had done. Sitting on the floor with her legs spread apart, his hand inside her, satisfying herself using it. In that moment though she had not cared about anything besides that climax... when he finally had allowed her to take control.

She shivered. The once more flowed through her already sensitive abdomen.

With one hand on her belly, the other one found its way between her legs. She leaned against the wall thinking about the very moment his hand had been pushed inside her. A sensation she had never experienced, but one that now, just from the thought of it, pushed her over the edge.

She sank down to the floor with the water still showering over her. She had to collect herself for a few moments.

Jack was probably already out working the fields. She was so proud of him. He had actually really gotten his mind set on making this farm a home. One that could support them with most of their needs.

She saw him in the distance, but to her surprise, he was not alone. As she got closer, she saw Jack sitting down on a fence, with Gabriel standing next to him. Jack wiped sweat of his forehead and then leaned closer to Gabriel. He was treated to a kiss and Angela smiled.

They were both wearing classical worker clothes. It was strange seeing Gabriel in normal clothing, but it was a nice change. He looked just like a normal man.

"Good morning," Jack said when he saw Angela.

He nodded for Gabriel to get back to work.

As soon as Gabriel had returned out on the fields, he wrapped his arms around Angela and pulled her close to him. He treated her to a kiss as well and she hugged him in return. He rubbed her back and leaned his head against hers.

"How are you today?" he asked.

"I am... perfect...," Angela said with a sigh of satisfaction.

"And the... nether regions?" Jack asked with a chuckle.

Angela let out a chuckle as well.

"Sore...," she replied. "But... satisfied..."

She let go of him and sat down beside him, leaning her head against his shoulder.

"You are a strange man, Jack Morrison," she said.

"Strange is better than evil... insane, crazy... hmm... deranged?"

He chuckled again.

"So I take it that I didn't scare you off then?" he then asked.

Angela slowly shook her head.

"You should have...," she said. "What you did... all of it... it was insane... but I... no, I am not afraid."

Jack put his arm around her.

"Good," he said. "And seeing him and me together?"

Angela pondered for a few moments.

"I should be furious with you... jealous... everything," she said. "But... on some strange level, you know what you are doing... you are..."

" control?" Jack cheekily filled in and hugged her tighter.

Angela squinted.

Her silence caused Jack to let out another chuckle.

"How are you doing?" Angela asked after a little while.

"Hurting like a bitch," Jack said with a laughter. "That's why I am having him working the fields today. He might have won last night, but that doesn't mean he gets away with it."

Angela looked up at Jack and was met with a big grin and a wink.

"You really love bossing all of us around, don't you?" Angela said in a grumpy tone.

Jack jumped down from the fence and stretched, showing off the now bruised muscles on his arms and torso.

"Not my fault that you both find me so irresistible," he said with great pride.

Angela reached for a bottle of water standing next to her and threw it in Jack's direction.

"You are terrible!" she said.

"Terribly handsome!" Jack cheekily replied as he dodged the bottle.

He broke out laughing at Angela's less than amused look.

He then went down on one knee in front of her, grasping her hands in his.

"But in all seriousness," he said. "Are you all right? I have seen and experienced this many times... but you said you wanted to see... so..."

"I must admit that it was scary... and I do not like you hurting each other," she said. "I still do not understand why you do that."

Jack shrugged with a crooked smile.

"But that is for our upcoming therapy sessions to figure out," Angela continued with a smirk.

Jack's smug look dimmed and he hung his head with a sigh.

"Yes, dear," he said in an unamused tone.

Angela chuckled.

"You might be the boss sometimes," she said. "But you do not call all the shots around here... are we clear on that?"

Jack looked up at her.

"Yes, ma'am," he said with a wink.

Angela gave him a quick kiss and then jumped down from the fence.

She started walking back to the house.

"I am starting lunch," she said with her back now turned to Jack. "You are making sure that he is hydrated, if he comes back in a bad state, I would not want to be in your shoes!"

"Yes, dear," Jack replied.

"And that vegetable garden is to be completed today," Angela continued.

"Yes, dear."

"And we need groceries!"

Jack chuckled.

Angela turned around.

"Oh, and one more thing," she said, placing her knuckles in her sides. "He..."

She nodded towards Gabriel.

"He is getting a proper room inside. No more sleeping in the shed!"

Jack looked stunned for a brief moment. He squinted and Angela squinted back, refusing to budge.

"Very well... he sleeps inside... but the rope stays on," Jack said. "You win this round, Angela Ziegler."

Angela turned back around.

"I always do," she said.

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