Mattias comes to New York.
He spotted her as she was dashing across the busy street. He wasn't really sure what had drawn his eye to her so immediately. Perhaps it was the full skirt with the large white polka dots that swirled when she walked. It was a sort of clingy fabric with a sheer overlay that almost seemed alive as it swayed with her every movement, obscuring her form one moment and outlining her long legs in bas relief the next. The skirt stopped just above her knees, revealing the lightly bronzed skin of her slender calves. Jeweled sandals twinkled in the afternoon sun, like colorful stars on her feet. Mattias's attention was completely absorbed by her approach, as she skipped lightly past other people in the busy crosswalk. Obviously, she was in a hurry, and was so intent on her destination that she was somewhat unaware of the people around her: they were merely obstacles to be navigated as she quickly maneuvered around those moving more slowly than she. It was only a matter of seconds, and yet to Mattias, it seemed that she was approaching him in slow motion: her every movement slowed for him to capture as she floated his direction. He felt a tightening in his groin for this stranger. He did not know her, but he knew that he wanted her. Her vitality was so apparent in the bounce of her tousled curls and quickly darting eyes. The slim firmness of her bare arms and legs gave proof of her lithe, muscular frame, and almost balletic movements, but Mattias's eyes were drawn to the round softness of her breasts highlighted by erect nipples straining against the thin cotton-spandex top.
The bright turquoise fabric clung to the ample curves of her breasts like a second skin,
accentuating her natural shape. His eyes were completely arrested by the sight of those firm, ripe nipples encased by
the clinging tank top. Again, Mattias felt a twinge of movement in his groin, as his manhood responded to the girl direc
tly in his path. It was just then, when she was directly in his path that the low heel of her sandal caught in a grate i
n the street, and she spilled literally into his arms. Instinctively, Mattias caught her as she fell against him, his ar
ms catching under hers, and bearing up all her weight now that her feet had flown from under her. She half-gasped/half-squealed as she landed against his chest, and sought to right herself. Looking down, they both saw the sparkling thong sandal, lying wedged in the grate, a broken strap now ruining its jeweled perfection.
"Are you ok?" Mattias inquired. Raising her head to look directly into his face, she gave an embarrassed smile.
"I think so," she replied softly, "but my new sandal doesn't seem to have survived. Then realizing that she was held fir
mly against the chest of a stranger, she stepped back. Immediately she winced and nearly fell again. "Damn it!" she swore softly. "I've managed to sprain my ankle, too." Mattias held onto her upper arm to steady her, and reached down to retrieve her shoe, and examine her injury. A blue smudge of a bruise was already forming just under the delicate bone of her left ankle. "Do you mind if I help you?" Mattias asked with concern. "I realize I'm a stranger, but it seems that you're going to have a bit of a problem walking. You really shouldn't put any weight on your ankle until it's wrapped." He noticed a light film of a tear trapped in her long dark lashes as she raised her green eyes to his, and nodded. She was obviously in pain, and suppressing her desire to cry. Mattias handed her the ruined shoe, and then unexpectedly swept her up into his arms. Her eyes widened in surprise at this move, as she'd expected no more than a supporting arm, not to be carried. Yet, she relaxed against him, as he strode halfway up the block to an open air cafe. He selected a table in the shade of an awning, and put her down gently, helping her to sit on the spindly wrought-iron ice cream parlor chair.
Mattias motioned for the waiter, who promptly threaded his way between the other tables.
"Welcome to Le Petit Pois," the waiter piped in a vaguely French accent. "I'll be right back to take your order, sir" and placed menus on the small round table.
"No need for that. Mattias interjected. "If you please, the lady has sprained her ankle. I'd like a dishpan of crushed ice, and a couple of Long Island ice teas."
"Immediately, sir" the waiter said efficiently, and briskly headed inside to get the ordered items. He returned only mom
ents later with the pan of finely crushed ice and a damp tea towel.
"I thought this might help, sir," the waiter intoned. "I'll bring your drinks tout suite."
The girl looked on helplessly as Mattias wrapped the towel around her ankle and placed her foot in the bed of shaved ice.
Some of the color had blanched from her cheeks, and the grip of pain was still in her eyes. She smiled faintly, and didn't complain, even though the shock of the cold had not yet begun to numb the pain of the swelling ankle. The waiter
returned with a couple of tall frosted glasses; a mint leaf was skewered between a pair of cherries in each drink.
"I can't thank you enough for this," she began. "I'm Jill, and I apologize for interrupting your day like this, sir.
I just can't believe I was so distracted that I didn't see the grate. I'm usually more careful."
"Call me Mattias," the man replied with a smile, "At your service" he added, extending his hand.
Although she'd heard him speak before, this was the first time she noticed the trace of an accent in his voice.
"Well, I'm delighted to have "bumped into you", Mattias, although it wasn't the most graceful of introductions."
Jill laughed brightly, despite evidence that she was fighting back tears.
"Drink up. I think you might need a touch of a pain-killer, and I've discovered since landing in New York that Long Isla
nd ice tea seemed to be a good remedy for whatever ails you." Mattias's eyes twinkled as he spoke. He was sorry the girl had injured herself, but in his heart of hearts had to admit that he'd said a little prayer that he'd get to meet her before she vanished into the crowd. It was like divine providence had delivered her into his waiting arms. He felt a little guilty for his selfish wish, but was glad of the opportunity to spend time in her company.
"I noticed your accent. Have you been in the city long?" Jill inquired.
"Just a couple of days, so far," Mattias replied. "I'm here as a consultant on a building project. It will take about 18
months to complete after the actual construction begins, but right now, it's just in the planning stages, and I'm spend
ing my days in meetings with the architects and financiers. I'm scheduled to stay 3 weeks this trip. So where were you
off to in such a hurry today? Do we need to call someone and let them know of your delay?"
"OH Jeez! I'd forgotten completely. Where is my head?" with that, she fished her cell phone from her small purse, and punched in a number. "Erica? Hey, listen, I'm not going to make it this afternoon like we'd planned. No no.. nothing serio
us. I just managed to turn my ankle, so I don't think I'm going to be dancing for a couple of weeks, but I don't think anything's broken. Oh yes, right in the middle of the street. Clumsy me. I know. I'm disappointed, too, but I'll give you
a call in a day or two, and we'll get together for lunch." Jill laughed. "Sure thing! Ok. I will. Bye."
Mattias sipped his drink, and watched Jill's animated phone conversation. He studied the way her hair curled around her face, and the pale spray of freckles that were scattered across the bridge of her nose making her look deceptively young and girlish, but her figure was absolutely womanly, and again Mattias felt the pang of desire in the pit of his stomach. "I suppose we should see about getting you home so that ankle can be wrapped properly. Can I get you a taxi?"
"I'm afraid that's not going to help much. I can't return to my apartment until after 5 today. I live in a converted warehouse in the fashion district. They were servicing the only elevator today, and I live on the 12th floor. Normally, I'd
consider the stairs a good workout, but today I'll never make it with this ankle. I'll be okay here. This place isn't so crowded today. I don't think they'll try to run me off. Thank you for your help, but I've delayed you long enough. Please go on about your business. I'll be just fine. The "ice tea" is already doing its work, and I hardly feel any pain at all now."
"Certainly I don't want to intrude on your life, Jill, but if you think I'd abandon you here in your condition, you're gravely mistaken. I'm out of my meetings for the day, and was just heading back to my hotel suite at the Ritz-Carlton. It's only two blocks over. With your permission, let me take you there. I'm sure the concierge will be glad to send out for elastic bandages, and whatever else we need to get you fixed up. There's a pharmacy just across the street. Your ankle
really does need to be wrapped soon to prevent further injury. It's been a few years since I was a Boy Scout, but I still recall a bit of First Aid."
Jill considered for a few moments. Somehow she instinctively trusted this man, and decided that of the options available
to her, it made the most sense to go with him. She could always stay in the lobby instead of going up to his room, she
"Alright. If I won't be inconveniencing you too much. I know I won't get far on my own with this ankle..... and only one
shoe," she grinned.
Mattias smiled, and waved for the waiter. He paid for the drinks, leaving a generous tip as the waiter had been so accommodating. Then he stood and flagged down a taxi. Again, like Prince Charming in a fairy tale, Mattias swept Jill up into his arms and carried her to the cab where he deposited her on the worn leather seat.
"Ritz-Carlton," Mattias said to the driver, as he closed the door. Within moments, the taxi arrived at the front door of
the hotel. Once more, Mattias lifted Jill. He carried her into the cool lobby, and over to the bank of elevators. An alert concierge noticed their entry, and surmised from the obviously swollen ankle and broken shoe in Jill's hand that she
'd been injured. Quickly he joined Mattias and Jill and inquired if he could get them a doctor or be of other assistance
"I don't really think a doctor will be necessary," replied and Mattias briefly outlined the nature of Jill's injury. The
concierge immediately went into action to obtain the needed First Aid supplies.
"I'll have everything you need delivered to your suite immediately, sir. That's room 603, I believe?" Mattias nodded.
Smiling at Jill, the concierge said "I'm so sorry you've been hurt, ma'am, but we'll do everything possible to make you comfortable." Jill smiled a sweet silent thank you.
Moments later, Mattias opened the door to his suite, and set Jill down in a satin chair by a large window brightened by
the afternoon sun. "I just feel so stupid and helpless," Jill began.
"Oh please, it could happen to anyone. Frankly, I'm glad we had a chance to meet, although I'd have chosen better circumstances, but sometimes, you just have to accept the bad with the good." He smile broadly, and slipped off his suit coat and hung it over the back the desk chair.
Jill looked around the rather large living room, tastefully decorated in soft grays and yellows. The wood pieces were do
ne in distressed whitewashed or pecan finishes. A desk and a tall armoire were against the far wall, flanking a long French sofa in pale gray velvet. A pair of matched arm chairs, like the one Jill was sitting in were opposite the sofa, separated by a glass topped wrought iron table accented with a cut-crystal rose bowl of fresh blood-red roses. A large silver-framed mirror over the sofa reflected the graceful furnishings and brightened the space even more. Mattias walked over to an ornate sideboard, which cleverly hid a mini-fridge and wet-bar behind it's carved wood doors and sliding marbletop. He fixed her a bourbon on the rocks and instructed her to drink it, if she could. He poured another drink, neat, for himself.
"You are fussing over me too much, Mattias. I'll be fine as soon as my ankle is wrapped." Just then there was a knock on the door. Mattias called out, "Come in". The uniformed bellhop entered, and handed Mattias a small bag.
"I believe everything you'll need is here, sir," he said.
Mattias took the supplies, and tipped the young man discreetly.
"Thank you, sir. If there's anything else, sir, just ring the front desk." said the bellhop as he softly closed the door
Mattias turned back to Jill who was just finishing the drink he'd given her.
"Let's get you fixed up," he smiled, and knelt before her, and began wrapping the Ace bandage around the roundly swollen ankle. Mattias couldn't help but be aware of the smoothness of her pale golden skin and the light scent of her perfume... pear blossoms, he thought. He lightly held her once-slender ankle, now encased in the bandage and became almost lostin reverie as he stared at her narrow foot and French-manicured toes. He was thinking of walking barefoot in a stream when he was a child. He was 13 and splashing in the creek with the first girl he ever loved. "Funny", he thought, they'd been surrounded by pear trees in full bloom. He'd not thought of that day in years, but it all sprang to his mind in great detail, and then like most dreams, was gone in an instant. Jill spoke softly.. "Mattias? are you alright?"
He laughed. "Yes, sorry... I'm fine. Your perfume merely revived an old childhood memory of running barefoot through an orchard. So.... now that we have you all fixed up,
I guess we should see if you're able to stand on your own. Here, let
me help you."
Jill rose, standing on one leg, and then careful eased her injured foot to the floor as well. "Not too bad.." she proclaimed, and took a step and then another, but her sprained ankle simply couldn't bear her weight, and she fell with a pain
-induced gasp. Mattias caught her before she reached the floor, and held her against his chest. He could feel her trembl
ing in silent tears. Mattias held her away from him and placing his fingertips under her chin, lifted her face to look at her. Shimmery tracks of tears glazed each cheek, and Mattias was overcome with both sympathy for her pain, and a sudden sense of adoration. He brushed away a single tear, and then covered her mouth with a tender, yet yearning kiss.
She didn't pull away, but instead softly melted against Mattias's chest as he held her in a gentle embrace. Somehow the
kiss felt very natural, despite their brief acquaintance, and Jill reached up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders
with her hands crossed at the back of his neck. Encouraged by her ready acceptance, Mattias allowed his passion to rise
and intensified the kiss with his probing tongue. Again, Jill responded not with surprise, but with eagerness, and a hunger of her own. The world stopped turning, and for what seemed an eternity, they fed on their building desire and let it carry them along as their mouths interlocked, mindless of their lack of propriety.
Mattias's hands moved over Jill's back and waist, and finally dropped to the double mounds of her buttocks, pulling her
closer, pinning her belly against his swollen groin. Jill felt powerless to control the grip of her own need, and continued to kiss Mattias deeply and hungrily.
"This is crazy," Mattias hissed between kisses, "but I want you. My God, I want you. Don't stop me. Please, don't stop me." And with those words, Mattias lifted Jill again and strode through the ornately carved double doors into the bedroom, and lay her on the king-sized bed.
Jill looked up at Mattias through passion glazed eyes, and nodded slightly. That was all the encouragement he needed as he removed his tie, and unbuttoned his white shirt, and flung it to a chair by the tall windows. His broad chest and shoulders were bronzed by the summer sun. His belly was flat, and highlighted by a frosting of scattered hair. Unzipping his trousers, he let them slide to the floor, and removed his socks and boxer-briefs, as he stepped closer. Mattias knelt by the bed, and pushed his hands up under Jill's billowy skirt and up along her smooth thighs. Locating her narrow thong panties, he slipped them down her legs and tossed them in the direction of his shirt. Throwing her skirt upward uncovering her lower body, and Mattias slowly glanced at Jill's smooth tight belly and the rounded mound of her lightly thatched pussy. Slowly his hands moved to the inside of her thighs and pushed them apart, exposing her deep pink cleft to his gaze. Mattias sighed deeply, inhaling a new perfume... the faint sweet scent of her sex. He could see that she was already glistening with a light glaze of her own juices, and he pressed his thumb against her rose-hued oyster, searching for the hard little pearl of her clitoris. It popped up at his touch, and Mattias lowered his mouth over Jill's vulva and fed.
"Pure heaven" was his only thought, as his tongue plied her flesh. Mattias had always loved the taste of a woman, but he was even more aroused by this near-stranger than he'd been with his past lovers. He was lost in erotic sensations that he had almost forgotten existed, and his painfully swollen cock was rude evidence of his indulgence. Mattias reached down with his right hand and began to stroke his rigid shaft, sliding his foreskin up and back, greasing his pole with his pre-cum. His slit was dripping like a leaky faucet, and Mattias encouraged his fluids by gliding his cock like a piston through his fist.
Jill gripped handfuls of the thick comforter in her clenched fingers. Her head thrashed from side to side as Mattias's lips and tongue tormented her fuck-hungry pussy. She wanted to scream aloud "fuck me fuck me FUCK ME", but she emitted no sound except ragged gasps and tiny moans. Her entire body was tensed, every muscle locked in mortal combat with the hormones that were flowing through her blood. She could feel the rise of her impending climax, and her hips bucked wildly as Mattias's tongue danced over her clit and probed her sweet hole. His oral assault was relentless as he skillfully tongue-fucked her delicate flesh. His left hand was pressed firmly on her belly to help control her frenetic movements. With a sudden gasp, Jill yelped... "that's IT! Oh god, that's IT! I'm... I'm... oh god... I'm g-g-gonna cummmm. Oh my lord..
. I can't stand it. Oh Help!!... oh oh Oh OH ooooohhhhhh..... yesssss.... Oh Mattias, yessss that's it!!!!! Jill's orgasm burst over her like an avalanche with tumultuous waves of pure pleasure.. Her trembling voice rose as the spasms crescendoed in gripping climax. At it's peak, her eyes flew open and she noticed for the first time that overhead, the inside of the four-poster bed's tester frame was mirrored. Jill watched in fascination as her orgasm rippled through her.
She could see Mattias's nude body kneeling over her, his face still buried in her inflamed cunt. Her skirt was fanned out a cross the bed, and one breast had popped out of her spandex tank top and peered back at her in reflection.
As her sensations slowly ebbed, Jill reached for Mattias's head, and weaving her fingers into his hair, she tugged gently, getting him to look up at her face. As he did, she sat up on the bed, and tugged her top over her head, exposing her round rose-tipped breasts with their hard-beaded peaks. Jill drew herself up on her knees and unfastened her skirt and tossed it to the floor.
Mattias was captivated by the vision before him. Her hair was a wild halo of tumbling curls, her cheeks livid from her r
ecent exertion, her damp lips parted as she quietly panted. Her eyes sparkled with lust and she spoke softly the three words Mattias so wanted to hear. "Fuck me now!!!" she hissed through clenched teeth. The words hit Mattias like a punch to the gut.
Damnation! He wanted his cock in this woman!!!
Mattias stood up and lifted his trousers, fishing through his wallet for a condom. "NO!" Jill barked quickly. "Trust me.
I trust you. I need your cock, not a damned rubber hose. Fuck me, Mattias. Cum inside me. Yes, I'm on the pill, and the
re is no other danger either. It makes no sense, I know, but I've never wanted anyone as I want you this moment. I've never felt like this before. It feels like destiny. I wish I could expla....."
"Shhh... " Mattias coaxed, "There's no need to explain. I feel it, too. I felt it the first moment I saw you today. Even
before you fell, my cock was aching for you." As evidence of his words, Mattias's tumescence still rose from his belly
like the Tower of Pisa tilted toward the sky. Mattias moved to the bed and lay beside Jill, and drew their bodies toget
her. His hands roamed over her tender skin, caressing and exploring. Jill slid one smooth palm down the plain of Mattias's belly, gently dragging her fingertips through his patch of curls as she reached between his thighs and cupped his shaved scrotum in her hand. She weighed his cum-plumped testes, bouncing them gently in her open palm. His balls were heavy with their clotted load, and she manipulated them inside their fleshy pouch. Mattias's busy fingers had found haven inside Jill's love canal, and he was slowly fucking her with two fingers, feeling her synchronize her movements to his by rocking her hips rhythmically. Jill was stroking Mattias's cock now, pumping him, prepping him to enter her, painting every inch of his fat erection with a slick coat of precum.
Mattias pulled Jill to her knees, her ass rising over her heels, and then pulled himself up behind her. With one hand, h
e reached for the back of her neck and pushed her head down to the pillows. Jill complied willingly, waggling her buttocks in invitation, and reaching back between her thighs to spread her aching pussy for his entrance. Mattias wasted no time. He positioned his broad glans by sliding it up through the collected cream that now puddled between the folds of her red hot gash, and slowly pushing his stiff cock until his fat plum breached her love hole and her juicy flesh closed around him like a fire pit. With a grunt, Mattias shoved his cock in full depth. Jill backed up onto his shaft and together they began to furiously dog fuck, each groaning, panting, thrusting. Mattias gripped Jill's hips and pulled her back onto his fucktool again and again. Each lost in passion, they were frenzied; fucking wildly, their minds blown, their instincts in control of their thrashing bodies. Deeper and deeper, Mattias drove his cock into Jill's tight vagina. He want
ed to crawl inside her and die. The sensations were so acute that it was impossible to know if it was pleasure or pain,
he just knew that he had to fuck her till his cock exploded in a shower of mind-shattering stars, and his seed was flood
ing her inner depths. There it was! The moment he needed, and with a loud cry, Mattias collapsed against her and spewed his semen within her sex chamber. Jill trembled, drinking in every spasm of his orgasm, and then began her own thrusting
"Fuck me, Mattias! Don't stop!" she ordered. "Keep fucking me. Give me your cock. DO it! Fuck me. fuck me hard. YEs YES yessssssssss.... fucking yessss!!! Oh oh oh! Daamn! Jill came again, her satin-lined cunt spasmotically gripping Matthias's hard throbbing dick as she reached between her legs and clutched his aching balls in her warm grasp, gently milking the last remnants of his jizz into her cum-drenched pussy. "Oh that was great!!!!" she sighed, as her second orgasm slowed faded.
The two of them collapsed, with Mattias on top of Jill's prostrate body, his cock still buried to the hilt. He pushed as ideher hair and covered her ear, neck, and shoulders with kisses until at last, his cock softened, and slipped from the
folds of her slit.
"That was wonderful," he whispered as he rolled to his side next to Jill, and pulled her close, belly to belly, kissing
her deeply. She enveloped him in her arms and kissed him with equal fervor until the each drifted into a light slumber.
A half hour later, Jill's eyes fluttered open to see Mattias staring into her face.
"My god, you're beautiful," he whispered. "I'm totally enchanted. What spell have you cast over me, woman?" Mattias smiled.
"Me??" Jill giggled in feigned surprise. "It's you who has the magic wand, dear!! I think you're the one who has been up
to mischief, working his tricks on ME!! Yep! I'm sure of it!"
Mattias felt a warm hand close around his cum-crusted cock. "Let's see if there's still any magic left in it, ok?" Jill teased with a smile and a tug. Mattias's penis sprung to life in an instant, eager to repeat its bruising penetration of
her every orafice .
"Alright, but you know what this means! I'm never letting escape my "ivory tower" again." he threatened with a grin.
"I'm yours to keep, darling. You own the key to my castle, now let's slip it in the lock and see what opens up!" Jill s
pread her legs and kissing her nipples, Mattias settled into her saddle.
"God bless America!!" Mattias said with a laugh.
1 year ago
Top rated stories from category classic sex
Skriva av sig…
... om en fest för en vecka sedan. Jag och killen var där, många vänner och bekanta men även personer vi aldrig träffat tidigare. Vi blev båda och minglade runt och hade väldigt trevligt. En av min killes största önskningar är att jag träffar och skaffar mig en älskare, någon med en rejäl kuk, mycket större än min killes, som får knulla mig utan att min kille är med. Ibland ska min kille inte ens veta om att vi träffas och ibland skulle vi skicka bilder och filmer till min kille när jag har sex med min älskare. Älskaren ska dessutom alltid få spruta i min fitta, något både min kille och jag går igång mycket på. I vilket fall har det inte i träffat ännu och vi vet inte när det kan ske, men någon gång vill vi ta in en extra kille i sexet. På festen fanns en kille som ingen av oss hade träffat innan, lång och ståtlig med mörkt lite lockigt hår. Jag och killen pratade mycket under kvällen och även om vi pratade med andra också så kom vi alltid tillbaka till varandra under kvällen. Ju mer jag blev desto mer knäsvag och varm inombords blev jag när vi pratade, väldigt flörtigt, särskilt från hans sida. Han doftade dessutom helt fantastiskt och jag hamnade ibland som i en trans när vi pratade. Vid ett tillfälle hamnade vi i ett rum utan några andra. Han stod väldigt nära och jag kände värmen byggas upp inom mig. Vi skrattade och flörtade lite. Plötligt känner jag hur han smeker mig över handen med sin egna hand. Det pirrar till i hela mig och då känner jag kåtheten vakna till liv. Han böjer sig fram och kysser mig lätt på läpparna. Jag står som förstenad men säger inget eller gör inget försatt avsluta det. Plötsligt trycker han in sin tunga i min mun och vi börjar hångla. En snabb tanke går genom mitt huvud hur fel det är och att någon kan komma precis när som helst. Ändå kan jag inte sluta kyssas med honom. Hans hand tar min och flyttar den till hans skrev. Jag känner hur hård han är och den känns rejäl. Jag flyttar snabbt min han bort från hans skrev. Min kille, är det enda jag kan få fram. Kom säger han, följ efter mig. Vi går ut ur huset till baksidan. Han ställer sig tätt intill mig och kysser mig igen. Åter igen flyttar han min hand till sitt skrev. Många känslor blossar upp inom mig, skam men även extrem kåthet... han drar ner gylfen och lyckas få ut sin kuk som står som ett spett. Den är både lång och grov och ådrig. Jag blir nästan mållös, det enda jag får fram är ett wow! Kan säga att där ligger min kille i lä... han placerar min hand runt hans grova kuk och instinktivt börjar jag runka den samtidigt som vi hånglar. Även om jag vet att det är fel och att vi skulle kunna bli påkomna så vill jag inte sluta. Jag minns att jag tänker hur gärna jagbhade velat känna den i mig, pressa in varenda cm. Ta mig hårt, få mig att komma och sedan spruta mig full med hans varma sperma. Jag hade velat känna honom på riktigt men vågade inte av rädsla för att bli påkommen. Jag runkar honom intensivt, han börjar flämta och jag tittar ner lagom för att se honom spruta en rejäl sats med sperma. Fortsätter runka, låt ska ut, varenda droppe. Ollonet är kladdigt med sperma. Jag älskar sperma och det känns synd att det avslutas på det här sättet istället för i mig eller i min mun. Men nu är det gjort. Jag ser mig omkring, lyssnar ifall någon är på väg. Hör och ser inget, böjer mig snabbt fram och tar endast ollonet i munnen. Suger till några gånger för att få ollonet rent och känner några salta droppar som pressas ut. Avslutar med att slicka en gång på strängen på undersidan och sväljer ner dropparna. Vi går in till festen och senare under kvällen kommer min kille fram och vi hånglar en stund. Han har inte en aning om vart min mun varit med om... En vecka senare skriver jag alltså detta. Lite skamkänslor även om vi inte gick hela vägen. Men framförallt har nog mitt sug för att träffa en kille och gå hela vägen ökat och känns verkligen inte otänkbart nu... jag fantiserar ofta om killen jag träffade men i mina fantasier tar han mig hårt och sprutar i mig istället. Eller så suger jag honom och han sprutar i min mun. Min kille är fortfarande ovetandes om vad som den kvällen...
1 year ago
Honochhanblekinge, 40
Last visit: 1 day ago -
Träffen med Mikaela
Vi hade bestämt träffa, vi hade chattat en del här inne och nu var äntligen dagen här, vi skulle ses.Hon var en riktig sexig kvinna men det som fastade mest var hennes underbara rumpa.
Vi ska mötas hemma hos mig, jag har ju som den gentleman jag är lagat upp en härlig middag åt oss.
Det ringer på dörren och jag öppnar, där står du vackra Mikael med ett stort leende och en flaska rödvin. Ger dig en kram och ber dig komma in med ett stort leende, du går in och jag spanar direkt in dig och din rumpa. Mm tänker jag detta blir en bra kväll.
Vi sätter oss och jag börjar servera maten, hör hur du njuter av den samtidigt som vi skålar i gott vin. Praten går väldigt lätt och när jag serverar dig dessert så känner jag en hand som smeker mig upp på insidan av låret, möter din blick och du viskar nu vill jag tacka för maten på mitt sätt.
Du sätter dig på knä framför mig, du drar sakta ner mina byxor och ser redan konjunkturen av en hård kuk. Du ler mot mig samtidigt som du lirkar ut den. Tack för middagen hör jag samtidigt som du runkar mig sakta. Din mun omsluter sakta min kuk och du suger mig djupt, jag stönar lätt av din behandling. Och så härlig du är, men ska vi gå in till sovrummet frågar jag, nää får jag som svar. Knulla mig över köksbordet här och nu.
Du ställer dig upp och drar upp din röda kjol, trosorna flyger av och du stönar fram knulla mig. Lutandes över köksbordet knullar jag dig hårt smiskar din runda fina rumpa, ohh du är helt perfekt. Har ett fast grepp om dina höfter och stöter djupt i dig, känner hur känsla av att jag kommer spruta kommer. Stönar fram ahh jag kommer komma, hör dig stöna fyll mig nu, känner kuken sprutar djupt i din våta härliga fitta. Ahh så skönt, du är fan skit härlig stönar jag fram. Du vänder dig om och ger mig en kyss. Jag smeker lätt din kropp och viskar ska vi ta omgång två i sovrummet?
Du nickar glatt och vi springer in i sovrummet.
Kommer kanske en del två om någon gillar :)
1 year ago
Last visit: 14 hours ago
Hotellweekend med extra man
Det hade varit en lång arbetsvecka, men den hade gått lite lättare med vetskapen om att när fredagen kom skulle vi, direkt efter jobbet dra iväg på en hotellweekend. Eller ska jag bara säga som det egentligen är, knullweekend!Vi älskar att checka in på hotell, kanske ibland få en trevlig överraskning att vi blivit uppgraderade och sen öppna dörren till nattens bostad och där börjar njutningen… för Anna och Anders del.Vi hade med leksaker och sexiga outfits som åkte på. Den första som fick pryda min kropp var en tråd-lik body typ. Inte mycket som doldes där utan mer olika svarta streck över min kropp. Såklart öppen i grenen för att lättare komma åt härligheten…Till slut sitter jag med en buttplug i analen, i fönstret och Anders håller upp mina ben och står och knullar mig i fittan samtidigt. -Är du en smutsig slyna?-Jag är en smutsig liten slyna, svarar jag.-Vill du ha flera kukar i dig ikväll?-Åh, ja, stönar jag fram!-Det ska du få, du ska bli så knullad i alla dina hål!-Åååhhh, ahhh! Där går det för mig och jag känner hur sperma skjuts in i mig i sprut efter sprut! Vi stönar högt!Vi fortsätter in till duschen efter och där är det mjukare snack och ömma kärleksord medan vi tvättar av oss. Sedan är det hög tid för att göra i ordning oss för att gå och äta middag på hotellets restaurang som vi hört så mycket gott om. Den ligger högst upp i hotellet med vidunderlig utsikt över staden, inredningen är modern och maten närproducerad. Under middagen fortsätter vi fantisera och fundera på hur en träff skulle se ut senare under kvällen. Vi vill bägge gärna att vi ska få sällskap av någon fler…Middagen var fantastisk och vi fortsätter till hotellbaren som ligger nere i anslutning till lobbyn för att ta något gott att dricka. Det är en fantastisk atmosfär och sorlet av alla människor där gör en alldeles lycklig. Många attraktiva människor noterar vi, men de flesta verkade vara där med någon. Vi minglar runt lite och vid baren hamnar vi bredvid en man, som ser ut att vara några år äldre än vad vi är. Han står där själv med en öl som han nyss beställde. Makan frågar vad han dricker och han svarar Staropramen, den gillar maken också och han beställer en likadan till sig och ett glas Cava till mig.David tittade mig rakt i ögonen och nickade: -Ja, det gör jag gärna!-Ok, let´s go! Sa jag och så gick vi mot hissen alla tre.Här bor vi, sa jag och öppnade dörren. Vi tog fram lite nötter och chips samt hällde upp något att dricka till alla. Skålade för att vi träffade varandra och sedan ursäktade jag mig för att smita in på toaletten och ta på mig en rosaglittrande sexig nät-outfit, som en klänning nästan. Med ingenting under förutom ett par små svarta trosor som hade glittrande strass bakpå som string, går jag ut till er. Jag går långsamt mot er, ni står vid fönstret och vänder er om när ni hör mina steg genom rummet… -Wow, säger du och tittat gillande på mig uppifrån och ner. Maken bara ler. Han vet att jag älskar uppmärksamheten och att få göra någon kåt. Jag går fram och ställer mig mellan er, jag kysser maken och jag för dina händer till min kropp. Du börjar känna på mig bakifrån och fram till mina bröst. Du kysser mig i nacken och jag känner ditt stånd genom byxorna. Jag börjar samtidigt befria er från era byxor, ni hjälper till med det också så det går snabbt till att de faller ner mot golvet. Jag tar tag i dina Björn Borg kalsonger med mina tänder och drar de neråt samtidigt som jag drar ner makens. Nu står jag på huk och i ansiktshöjd har jag nu två fullfjädrade kåta kukar som höjer sig över mig. Jag tar tag i era lemmar samtidigt som jag börjar slicka på ditt ollon, gästerna först… medan jag runkar er båda samtidigt. Jag leker med tungan runt och på strängen, innan jag ger maken samma behandling… Jag känner händer på mina bröst och en hand flätar in sig i mitt hår medan jag suger er grundligt. Så kåt jag blir av detta… och jag kan se att ni också blir det!Ni tittar på varandra efter ett tag och nickar åt sängen, sen känner jag hur ni lägger en hand var på mina överarmar och jag tittar upp på er och maken säger:-Nu är det vår tur att ta hand om dig en stund… lägg dig på sängen.Jag går och lägger mig på sängen tätt följd av er två, maken lägger sig bredvid mig, efter att han avlägsnat mina sexiga stringtrosor som förmodligen var helt onödiga att ta på, och börjar sedan kyssa och smånafsa på mitt ena bröst samtidigt som du smeker mig på det andra. David särar på mina ben lite mer, medan du sedan kysser dig din väg uppför mina ben tills du kommer till insida lår, där kysser du lite extra grundligt samtidigt som du med fingrar börjar undersöka min fitta, smeker och retar tills du tar bort dom för att sedan fortsätta med endast dina läppar att lägga dina kyssar allt närmre min, nu pulserande kåtdrypande fitta, som bara väntar på finalen… Du är nära nu, kyssarna övergår till tunga. En tunga som smeker mina intima läppar hit… och dit… runt… över… innan du lägger mer tryck bakom din action och jag känner hur du tar upp hela min fitta i din mun och smakar på mig som ingen annan gjort. Känslan kom plötsligt och jag kommer så hårt att jag skriker rakt ut, vågen av njutning som kommer som en avlossad kanon, jag ser stjärnor, mitt hjärta rusar! Du tittar lyckligt upp på mig och jag mimar ett ännu lyckligare: T A C K !Anders som har ägnat överkroppen massa omsorg får nu belönas med att knulla min orgasmstinna fitta. Jag lägger ut huvudet över sängkanten och tar din hand så du ska gå runt sängen så jag kan suga din kuk igen, liggandes på rygg, medan maken börjar knulla mig framifrån med mina ben på sina axlar. Han njuter av att se mig suga din mogna kuk samtidigt som han får ta för sig av min fortsatt krampande fitta, efter orgasmen jag fick av dig. Ah, jag känner dina händer på mina bröstvårtor och bröst, hur du smeker och leker med fingrarna samtidigt som jag tar in dig djupt i min hals och andas stötvis. Du stönar och blundar…-Lägg dig på sängen, säger jag åt dig. Du lyder och jag sätter mig grensle över dig när du för första gången får känna hur det känns att få knulla mig. Maken är nu bredvid och jag smeker och smakar hans kuk om vartannat samtidigt som jag känner hur han smeker mitt bakre rosliknandehål med några fingrar. Det är alldeles vått av fittsaft även där och fingrarna glider in lätt… Så han går och ställer sig bakom mig innan han långsamt pressar sin kuk mot analöppningen och jag känner hur den glider in millimeter för millimeter. David känner hur trångt det blir. Jag känner hur jag fylls upp av era kukar i bägge mina hål! Den känslan… Ja, den känslan är något extra! -Mmmm, jag är nära nu… ni är nära nu… Låt oss komma tillsammans! -Åh, jag stönar ut att jag är en spermaslyna som gärna vill att ni fyller upp bägge mina hål med all er sperma! Detta dirtytalk får er att fullkomligt tappa det i denna stund och vi sprutar nog alla tre tror jag! Rummet är fyllt av stön, sexdoft och här och där något skrik av njutning med!Vi lägger oss ner huller om buller i sängen och återhämtar oss efter denna fullständiga urladdning vi nyss varit med om… så härlig kväll det blev! Det här får vi göra om någon gång igen… snart!
1 year ago
Last visit: 5 days ago
Förbjuden frukt
Det var en solig dag i mitten av maj . Jag var på väg till dig för att hämta lite möbler som du ville bli av med. Väl framme parkerade jag bilen och ringde på din dörr. Du öppnade endast iförd badrock, oj kommer du redan säger du räknade inte med att du skulle komma förrän om en timme eller så. Tänkte precis hoppa in i duschen. Nice säger jag och fråga om du vill ha sällskap och blinka. Ha ha , du skratta till och säger visst men bara om du slickar mig först . Mer än gärna säger jag och vi går in i sovrummet och du låter badrocken falla till golvet innan du vänder dig om och lägger dig på rygg i sängen. Du drar upp fötterna på kanten och låter knäna falla utåt så jag ser din välrakade fitta dom är lätt fuktig. Under tiden har jag klätt av mig mina kläder och går ner på knä och börja pussa mig från ditt knä ner över låret ner mot din kåtsvullna fitta . Väl framme låter jag tungan glida över dina svullna läppar och upp mot din klitoris. Jag slickar och suger på din klitoris samtidigt som jag för in två fingrar i din våta grotta och stimulera din gpunkt . Det dröjer inte länge förrän du börja krama mina fingrar och du kommer i en fontänorgasm , jag mjölkar din fitta på dina fittsafter. Du ber mig om att knulla dig , så jag vänder på dig och drar ner dig på golvet så du blir stående på knä och liggandes på sängen. Jag för in kuken i din plaskvåta fitta och knulla dig med långa lugna tag . Jag tar tag i ditt hår och drar ditt huvud bakåt samtidigt som jag ökar takten . Du svankar och trycker din rumpa och fitta mot mig , det låter och klafsar om min kuk när den far in och ut i din blöta fitta . Du för ner ena handen och börja smeka din klitoris samtidigt som jag knullar dig hårdare och fortare. Jag känner att jag är på väg att komma fråga vart du vill ha satsen. Fyll mig nästan skriker du . Din fitta kramar om min kuk så hårt så jag kan inte hålla tillbaka mer utan trycker in min kuk så långt det går och sprutar långt in i dig , du kommer samtidigt som jag. Du fråga om du får slicka min kuk ren , visst får du det säger jag och lägger mig på sängen . Du börja suga på min något slocknade kuk som svara med att bli hård igen.. du reser dig upp vänder ryggen mot mig och sätter dig på min nu hårda kuk och börja rida mig . Det är så skönt , kuken kommer så långt in i din krämfylda fitta. Du rider mig tills jag kommer en gång till . Så ska vi hoppa i duschen nu frågar du med ett leende.
1 year ago
Huggo, 51
Last visit: 1 hour ago