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34 y.o.
Jamtland, Sweden
Last visit: 4 years ago

Test på din humor #1

Is anyone here still playing PokémonGo?

"Hello how are you?" Thank you, that's good.
"What are you doing?" - Signed in here.
Good! Then it was settled.

People are tamejfan unreliable and stupid in their heads.
Same scrap & grain everywhere. (Not only on this divine side.)

Should you dry, soften and twist my time to strengthen your ego or whatever it is for problems you have, then you can take it out to step straight on the E4 with connected eyes instead of writing to me.

Shit down you.

And you.
Are you looking for sex here behind your partner's back, and I hope that a schäfer bites you in writing.
I can voodoo.

[Where are everyone who can shut up without getting dirty ?!]


Photoshop make you beautiful.
Google make you smart.

Goolge Translate make you fucking laugh your ass off,
this is a piece of art!


  • MissMonster,  34
    Perfektnolla: Ingenstans förhoppningsvis! Haha. Det är Google Translates underbart korrekta översättningar. ;D
    read more roll up
    07.11.17 07:47
  • MissMonster,  34
    Perfektnolla: Beklagar djupast... :c
    read more roll up
    07.11.17 00:29
  • Rammer,  46
    My ass is waiting my dear..hahhaha;)
    read more roll up
    06.11.17 14:42
  • MissMonster,  34
    Hm. Intressant förövrigt att alla kommentarer blidde på engelska. Viva la internacional!
    read more roll up
    06.11.17 14:30
  • MissMonster,  34
    Rammer: Hoodoo? Ofc. I'll hoodoo your ass anytime! ;)
    read more roll up
    06.11.17 14:29
  • MissMonster,  34
    Etuna: Nu ska vi inte ta i här så att vi spricker va? ^^
    read more roll up
    06.11.17 14:28
  • MissMonster,  34
    Blitzkrieg: Åh, då kan jag sova gott inatt! ;*
    read more roll up
    06.11.17 14:28
  • Rammer,  46
    But can you do Hoodoo?
    read more roll up
    06.11.17 12:47
  • Etuna40,  50
    Your sence of humor makes you beautiful! ;-)
    read more roll up
    06.11.17 09:15